There will be a "changing of the guard" at Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church on October 1. An installation service is scheduled for Sunday, September 30, at 6 p.m. as current Assistant Pastor Brian Salter will become the senior teaching pastor. Current Senior Teaching Pastor Joe Novenson will take on the role of assistant pastor and focus on his ministry with senior citizens.
The service will take place in the sanctuary, with overflow seating in the chapel and fellowship hall. A reception of cake, ice cream, coffee and tea will follow in the fellowship hall. Nursery will be provided.
Pastor Novenson said, “I will continue full time in the preaching rotation, but will spend most of my ministry time with individuals, especially the older members of LMPC. I will be able to be with individual members in their homes and places of service and work. What a joy!”
Pastor Salter said, “In many ways, my call to serve LMPC as a pastor has not changed. I deeply value the unique model of collegiality, team preaching and deferential brotherhood of the pastoral team. I am grateful to be one of many voices calling us to faithfulness and service.
“I am compelled to pastor at LMPC because of our church identity as a large parish church called to resource Kingdom work within and beyond the parish. The uniqueness of a ‘large parish’ is a challenge to navigate and a gift to steward. I am eager to serve at a resource church like LMPC because we have an abundance of gifts and resources to steward for the glory of God and the good of our city and world. I look forward to watching us grow together in greater generosity and service.”