The weather cooperated for the affair, and the rain held off till late afternoon. As usual, the parade participants congregated at Fairyland School and proceeded down Lula Lake Road to the Commons, delighting cheering bystanders. Fire trucks from both Lookout Mountain, Ga./Tenn., blasted sirens as they led a motley crew of vehicles that included trucks, cars, golf carts and even a unicycle.
This year, there are 21 teams and over 200 children participating, and nearly all of them were in attendance for the parade! Arriving at the Commons, the excited crowd gathered at the newly-named Dockery Field. After the Pledge of Allegiance and a short prayer, Nelson Williams, president of the recreation board, introduced the teams, coaches and sponsors. He thanked everyone for coming, especially noting those people who are instrumental in making this baseball program possible and successful.
Coach Scott Shell, director of the recreation program, also thanked the community for participating in this wonderful event before proclaiming the long-awaited-for words of, “Play ball!”
Click here to see more pictures from the parade and opening day ceremonies, courtesy of Tommy Hoppere. You can download the whole album by clicking the download icon and entering the pin code "9534."