In April, I am starting the first Chattanooga chapter of Chronic Pain Anonymous ( at Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church. The meetings will be held at 7 p.m. every other Tuesday evening starting May 7. Meetings will last an hour, and I would like for as many people as possible to know about this support group.
I suffered from chronic pain for six years and can speak from experience to the sense of hopelessness, depression, and isolation I experienced, and there was no one with whom I could share my experience. I felt like I was the “only one.” There were times that I literally thought I was going crazy after days of constant pain and lack of sleep.
CPA is a nationwide 12-Step Program (patterned after the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous), and the purpose of the group is to create a safe environment in which chronic pain sufferers can share their experiences with others. Hopefully, after attending the meetings and working the 12 Steps, participants will begin to heal emotionally and spiritually and be able to lead of life of meaning, purpose, joy, and most of all, hope - all while still suffering from pain.
I hope to be able to serve as many people in chronic pain (and there are a TON of them) as possible. For more information, call (404) 323-4282 or email [email protected].