Once again, Lookout Mountain will offer a summer camp at the Commons. Kids ages 4 and older are invited to attend on weekdays from June 4 through July 20. As in years past, I will be in charge of the camp for ages 4-6, and we will meet from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Scott Shell will head up the camp for ages 6 and older, which is offered every weekday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is a drop-in camp, so come when you can.
There are many traditions at this long-running camp. On Tuesday and Thursday, we order Mr. T’s pizza, but the children can bring their own lunch if they prefer. Activities include arts and crafts, tennis, baseball, dodgeball and other sports. The children are always closely supervised by the counselors, and their safety is our No. 1 concern. We are planning to have a tennis program on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a tennis teacher will help the younger campers learn the game through fun activities. Some special days, like water days and cookout day, are highly anticipated by the campers. The older children play many organized games, like chum ball, baseball, ping-pong and more. A high point each year is the end-of-the-season talent show!
The fee is very reasonable. Younger campers pay $10 a day or $90 for the summer; the older campers pay $15 a day, $30 a week or $175 for the summer. To pre-register, make a check out to Lookout Mountain Recreation Board and mail it, along with this form, to Lookout Mountain Recreation Board, PO Box 413, Lookout Mtn., TN 37350, or just print the form up and fill it out when you drop you child off at camp. Contact Scott Shell at (423) 619-4944 or me at (423) 718-3581 with questions.