Once again this summer, Commons Camp will be available for young people ages 4 and up. Camp will open on June 6 and end on July 22. I will once again be in charge of the Tuesday and Thursday camp for ages 4-6, and these younger campers will meet from 9 a.m. to noon. Campers ages 6 and up may attend Commons Camp five days a week, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Almost all of the counselors from last year will be returning. Scott Shell will again direct this popular camp, and counselors include Elliott Dockery, Paul Stern, Brandon Ratledge, Macy Chandler and Bailey Diamondidis. Macy and Bailey will help me with the younger children and both are exceptional with the children and are a big asset to the program.
Every Tuesday and Thursday campers can enjoy Mr. T’s pizza, but the children are welcome to bring their own lunch if they prefer. Activities include arts and crafts, tennis, baseball, basketball, dodgeball and many other outdoor sports. The children are always closely supervised, and their safety is our No. 1 concern. We do everything possible to ensure that your child has a safe and fun experience.
Plans are still underway for a tennis program on Tuesday and Thursdays. In the past we have been fortunate enough to have a tennis professional volunteer to give lessons, and we are hoping for the same this year. We also hope to have some special days, like water-play days or a festive cookout.
Download the registration form here, but you can always fill it out when you come by the Commons, since this is definitely a “drop-in” kind of camp. You can pay for the whole summer, or you can pay by the day, whatever suits your needs. Camp fees are very reasonable; the kiddy camp is $10 a day or $90 for the summer, and fees for the older children are $15 a day or $175 for the summer. Contact Scott Shell at (423) 619-4944 or me at (423) 718-3581. We hope to see you at Commons Camp and are looking forward to a great summer!