This one-of-a-kind structure will provide students with a facility to innovate and learn about self-sustaining ecosystems. Students will develop the skills necessary to grow, harvest and sell completely organic fruits, vegetables, and fish and work to give back to its community though the profits raised. Students will also learn to develop a business plan to not only sell their produce and fish but also market and brand them with the assistance from our art teacher.
Fairyland School is looking for businesses and donors to partner with the school to raise $150,000. Different giving levels with incentives are available for each donor with the intention of breaking ground in March of 2017.
You may contact Fariyland School principal Jeremy Roerdink for more information on this project by calling (706) 820-1171. Visit the school's Crowdrise page to make a donation, to view an informative video about the project and to get more information about the fundraiser.
Fairyland School is community school of 258 students and is a Georgia School of excellence with a 25 percent Free and Reduced Lunch rate and serves students in grades pre-K through five. Fairyland School was recognized and awarded by the Georgia Governor's Office of Student Achievement in 2015 as earning two awards in the Single Statewide Accountability System (SSAS) in the areas of Greatest Gains and Highest Performing. Only 46 schools out of 2,100 received an award in BOTH categories.