Hundreds attended the 29th Annual Spring Native Plant Sale in April, which raised a record-breaking $41,000 for the organization. Many folks shop the plant sale each year to add native species to their landscapes.
On May 2, London-based author Andrea Wulf gave a presentation on her book, "Founding Gardeners." A mesmerized audience filled Reflection Riding’s classroom to hear Wulf’s unique insight into how the founding fathers of the United States saw a connection between plants and politics. The melding of the two was pertinent to create an economically independent nation, and it also protected the country from the corruption, decadence and tyranny associated with many 18th century European governments.
Birds of a Feather, the second program in The Tennessee Aquarium and Reflection Ridings “Wild Chattanooga” series took place on Saturday, May 7. More than 50 people participated in activities celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The morning kicked off with a bird banding demonstration presented by Dr. David Aborn from UTC. Then, Keven Calhoun, an ornithology specialist from the Tennessee Aquarium, and local naturalist Bob Butters led bird walk. John and Lissie Diener, the avian technicians for the Tennessee River George Trust, presented their latest research on bird migration patterns. Corey Hagen, education director for Reflection Riding, gave several birds of prey demonstrations featuring Reflection Riding’s resident great horned owl, red shoulder hawk and screech owl.
Reflection Riding also hosted the Rotatry Club of Chattanooga for its annual spring outing during May.
Looking to summer, there are many exciting events planned at Reflection Riding Arboretum and Nature Center. Summer camp kicks off in June and offers kids a great chance to interact with the great outdoors while they learn through art projects, hike, canoe and more. Registration is open now.
Reflection Riding recently welcomed three new red wolves into its pack. On June 23, there will be a fundraiser for the red wolf breeding program at the nature center. Click here to learn more about the wolf pups and the fundraiser. Then, on June 24, there will be a bat cave tour. Call (423) 821-1160 to learn more about the tour or to sign up.
If you want to enjoy nature on your own, don’t forget about Reflection Riding’s great opportunities to get outdoors. Stop by to take your dog for a walk, book the treehouse for a gathering, borrow a canoe for a cooling summer paddle and check out how the wolf puppies are developing. For more information, visit www.reflectionriding.org.