This is not just a local effort. The Newberrys are spreading this community service campaign across the country and, urging newspapers to help in this cause by printing big swatches of the three colors that people can cut out and use to mark their house. Anyone who wants to participate can go on his or her own from neighborhood to neighborhood and spread the word as they look for colors that may already be at someone’s home. The time frame is from noon to 2 p.m.
“Lookout for America does many things that are very much in need now, and it may become more critical as the situation worsens and lasts longer. It sets up a hyper-local system for neighbors to help neighbors at its most basic level description,” Bo said. The Newberrys have heard from people across the nation who are starting to use the system in their neighborhoods. It is allowing the self-quarantined people, including the elderly, the ill and those with compromised immune systems, to get help easily. It helps to lower the fear and anxiety among many by showing them that they are not alone, and this system also encourages people to work together as neighbors to get through this crisis.
People must support each other as we go through this difficult time together. Lookout for America is a real-world example of how we can help our neighbor, pure and simple - regardless of politics, race or beliefs. It boils down to neighbors loving neighbors.
No money is involved and participation is voluntary. If you see a yellow signal at a home, simply read the attached request and if you can fill it, do so. Just leave the aspirin or food or request outside the door. We will get through this together by helping one another and showing people that we all care! Find Lookout for America on Facebook.
by Gwin Tugman