“Uncork the Cure: Sip, Savor and Swirl” is expected to bring more than 500 charity-minded attendees, and to raise an estimated $60,000 to support the mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. From wine novices to fine wine aficionados, Three Blind Wines gives all guests the opportunity to taste different brands of wine while benefiting a great cause.
The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a nonprofit donor-supported organization, is to cure Cystic Fibrosis and to provide all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatments, and ensuring access to high quality, specialized care.
When the CF Foundation was established in 1955, most children with CF did not live past elementary school. Due in large part to the Foundation’s aggressive investments in innovative research and comprehensive care, today, many people with CF are living into their 30s, 40s and beyond.
“Our family is proud to help share the mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Chattanooga,” say Ginger and Alex Birnbaum, event co-chairs and parents of a son with CF. “We realize the importance of fundraising for CF research. Our son, King, will live a much longer and healthier life due to such incredible support from our community!”
Guests are invited to bring two labels of the same wine to compete in the “Win a Cellar of Wine” competition. Guests will register their wine until 7 p.m., and the wine tasting will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Wine will not be blinded, but displayed for a true tasting lead by some of the most knowledgeable wine vendors in the region. Each guest will have the opportunity to vote once at each varietal station (8). Once the wine tasting concludes, the top three wines will be selected to split the cellar of wine. Winners will be announced at 10:30 p.m.
Featured at the wine event is a silent auction and reception followed by dinner, a live auction, bid for a cure and entertainment by The Power Players Show Band. Live auction items include many enticing items including trips, private dinners and more!
Tickets are $75. Table sponsorships (10 people) are $2,000. To purchase tickets or for more information about Three Blind Wines, contact Leigh Ellington at [email protected], go online to threeblindwines2015.eventscff.org, or call (865) 583-0355.