Queen Sarah Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Tyler Overley of Chattanooga, is a graduate of the Class of 2019 from Boyd Buchanan School. While at Boyd Buchanan, Sarah Jane was a member of the National Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, chorus, a varsity cheerleader, and performed in spring musical theater. She was twice chosen as an UCA All-American cheerleader. She volunteered with Girls Inc. throughout high school. Sarah Jane graduated May 2023, cum laude, from Lipscomb University with a double major in elementary education and special education plus an ELL endorsement. She received a Lipscomb academic scholarship, the Tennessee Hope Scholarship, and NCSA Head of School Grant. Sarah Jane was a member of Delta Omega Social Club as well as a peer mentor for Lipscomb’s IDEAL program, tutoring adult students with learning disabilities. This August she started the master’s program in special education in the high incidence track at Peabody College at Vanderbilt University. She was offered the U.S. Department of Education BASE Project Scholarship.
King Jim, a graduate of Notre Dame High School, grew up in Chattanooga. He graduated from the University of Tennessee with honors in 1981. After graduation, he moved to Atlanta to begin his career in the banking business before returning home to Chattanooga in 1986. Upon his return, he started his wealth management career with JC Bradford and Co, a large regional brokerage firm based in Nashville. Jim was named partner within five years while he simultaneously served as the office sales manager. In 2000, Paine Webber absorbed JC Bradford and shortly thereafter, UBS, the largest wealth management firm in the world, purchased Paine Webber. Two years later, Jim partnered with Ricky Park to form the Reynolds and Park Wealth Management Group. Together, they have created one of the largest wealth management practices in Tennessee. Throughout his entire career, Jim has earned various designations that have been held only by a select group of financial advisors. Jim married Susan Curtis in 1987, and together they have four boys. He devotes his free time to tutoring and mentoring children through the YMCA Y-CAP program and golfing on the weekends.
Ladies of the Court were: Allison Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karick Martin Brown; Emrick Wheland Garrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Carter Garrett Sr.; Sydney Grace Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Howell Morris Jr.; Mary Adella Youmans, daughter of Ms. Brittain Bussart and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garland Youmans.