The Lookout Mountain, Ga., Christmas Parade and Christmas Tree Lighting is on Thursday, November 30, at 5 p.m. Lookout Mountain’s firefighters and police will be riding with Santa throughout Fairyland to collect toys for Walker County’s Sherrif’s Department’s Stocking Full of Love. Stocking Full of Love provides Christmas toys and gifts for needy children ages 1-14 in Walker County. After the parade, head to Lookout Mountain, Ga., City Hall for Christmas music, refreshments and the lighting of the tree and business area at 6:30 p.m. Stay tuned for more details.
Love Lookout is hosting another fun community event on Friday, December 1! Gather your friends and family and head to Caldwell Commons, across the street from the Town Commons for the annual tree lighting ceremony in Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Monkeytown Donuts will be on site, selling delicious treats and hot chocolate, and everyone will enjoy bluegrass music and sing Christmas carols, accompanied by the band Morning Watch, before the tree is lit. The tree lighting is from 6-7 p.m., and organizers ask that you park at the Commons and walk over to the tree.
Once again, members of the Lookout Mountain Beautiful Garden Club will decorate the historic Craven’s House for its annual holiday open house that will be held December 1 and 2. An important Civil War observation post, the home of iron industrialist Robert Craven will depict Christmas decor that is in keeping with its original time period. Several re-enactments can be observed during the tours of the historic house that will take place from 6-8 p.m. each evening. There is no admission fee, however reservations are required. Call the Lookout Mountain Visitors Center at (423) 821-7786 to reserve a spot.
Happy holidays!