Tay Tay and Noah hang out with their little brothers at least once a week for about three hours each time. Some of the boys’ favorite things to do with their big sister and big brother are going to the park, fishing, playing basketball and hide-and-seek. The mentors enjoy spending time with their little brothers and enjoying each other’s company, as well. In addition to the fun activities they do each week, the mentors stress the importance of academic success; they frequently ask Moses, Nick, and OJ what their favorite parts of school were that week to encourage them to look forward to school.
This experience with Project Uplift has been most beneficial to Moses, Nick, and OJ, as well as to Tay Tay and Noah.
“Tay Tay and I have learned as much from the boys as they have from us. Moses, Nick, and OJ each have very unique personalities, and they each add a different dynamic to our relationship. We have personally seen growth in each of the boys, and Tay Tay and I have both grown in our ability to meet each of the boy’s unique needs.
Through Project Uplift and our relationship with Moses, Nick, and OJ, I have learned that everyone, regardless of any external circumstances, has unlimited potential when they are shown that they are loved and valued. Working with Project Uplift and spending time with Moses, Nick, and OJ has been a beautiful picture of the way that God loves each of us, regardless of our circumstances, and gives us eternal value as His children,” Noah said.
To learn more about Auburn’s Project Uplift, go to https://cla.auburn.edu/projectuplift/.