Haunted Cavern is an experience unlike any other that takes place 26 stories underground in a cave (with one way out), as well as an above-ground haunt that is equally horrific. This year's Flesh Farm is a world torn by infection and chaos, where the Matron Mojo has formed her own brutal society that feeds on the madness. Her “revenants” hunt the living - zombies to be farmed - to satisfy her sinister urges. Scud Row Outpost was formed from the ashes of what many called Ruby Falls and now thrives on the blood of the weak, ruled by Matron’s “wretchers.”
The Ruby Falls Haunted Cavern is in its 13th year of fear and has continued to terrify record-breaking crowds annually. It is currently a Top 20 Event by Southeast Tourism Society and was awarded the Ongoing Special Event Award in 2015 by Tennessee Hospitality & Tourism Association. In 2014 it was listed as number four on Buzzfeed’s national list of “19 Terrifying Haunted Houses You Should Experience Before You Die.” It has also been awarded the sixth spot on the national haunt list by Rand McNally.
Prices vary nightly, with discounts offered online at www.hauntedcavern.com.
Warning to all visitors: Expect to be scared upon exiting your vehicle. You will descend into a cave. Where no one can hear you scream. Beware of what lurks in the dark. May cause nightmares.