By Sonia Young
Spectrum 2018 was amazing and truly an affair to remember. Over 400 guests, all dressed to the hilt, came out on one of the coldest nights of the year to support the Hunter Museum of American Art. Almost every piece of art sold in the auction, thanks in part to efforts by adorable auctioneers Jim Kennedy and Dan Kennedy. Allison and Thomas Lee chaired the art selection committee, and over 30 galleries from different cities all over the country participated in the event, including Charleston, Charlotte, Ketchum, Idaho, Nashville, New Orleans, New York and Philadelphia.
Guests gathered under a gigantic tent with glass windows that overlooked the river as they enjoyed a delicious seated dinner and beautifully set and decorated tables. Gala chairs Jeff and Ronna-Renee Jackson and Hunter Museum Executive Director Virginia Anne Sharber and her incredible staff deserve much praise for the fabulous production.
Patrons admiring the art selections included Jacqueline Marschak, Leonard Murray, Warren Barnett and Cherie Martinez, Amber and Dan Norton, Craig and Terri Holley, Rob Majors, Ed Wolfe, Hugh Sharber, Susan and Dr. Steve Rich, Anne and Daniel Dejan, Martha Mackey and Del Sudkamp, Alice and Billy Oehmig, Mark Ramsey, Jennifer and Erik Fuller, Andrew Clark, Pat Starke, Kim Gavin, Austin Center, Anne Marie and Dr. Jay Jolley, Jennifer and Maury Nicely, Dr. Lee and Sharron Jackson, Carolyn Kaufman and Van Jernigan, Dawn Abel, Linda Harr, Anita and Tom Decosimo, Amy and Fred Decosimo, Deanne and Nelson Irvine, Yolonda and Charles Hayslett, Victoria and Richard Johnson, Mark Hite, Eric Tidmore, Matt and Nicki Brock, Ginger and Jim Vaughn, Ashley and Chris Ford, Betsy and Hugh Brown, Kitty Caldwell, Michelle Peterson, Meg Crimmins, Georgia and Johnny O’Brien, Molly O’Brien, Missy and Roger Talley, Brad and Courtney Cobb, Mary Kilbride, Andrea Crouch, Holly and Marc Harwell, Bob and Jane Berz, Ronelle Sellers, Betty Lynne Smith, Michelle and Rob Donina and Julia and Keith Sandford.