The BAD News: hemlock woolly adelgids, an Asian- introduced insect that has already killed millions of hemlock trees from Canada to Georgia, are now here on Lookout Mountain! In as little as two to five years, all untreated hemlocks will be dead!
The GOOD News: research has proven the effectiveness of several different products and treatment techniques in killing these nasty little critters. As a homeowner, you have these options:
Choose to do nothing and watch your hemlocks decline and eventually die, hire a licensed contractor to implement the best treatment plan for your particular landscape. Listed below are professional Certified Pesticide Applicators that service our area:
ABC Tree Company TN/GA | Milo | (423) 344-8732
The Lawn Doctor | Allen | (423) 987-1997
Green Tree Specialists TN/GA | Jim | (423) 508-5883
Reedy Landscaping TN | Galen | (423) 877-5810
W.D. Scott Company TN/GA | Bill | (423) 622-0320
Do It Yourself: There are two products with special application methods: Safari 20SG and Imitacloprid. Call me or the Helmlock Helpline for product availability and application directions.
For more info, call Jimmy Stewart at (423) 413-6420 or the Hemlock Helpline at (706) 429-8010 or go to www.savegeorgiashemlocks.org.