The organization’s eighth annual Plant Natives 2019! Event will highlight the fact that native plants are the foundation of all ecosystems. The theme for the weekend is “Partnering with Nature,” and participants will learn how to create native plant communities to create yards that are, as Mr. Weaner discusses in his book, a “source of environmental change.” Jenny Cruse- Sanders and Dwayne Estes round out the speaker lineup on Saturday, March 16, 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., at the University Center at UTC.
Pollinator gardeners will not want to miss the free Native Plant Marketplace & Expo on Saturday, March 16. Pesticide-free native/pollinator plants from four different regional nurseries will be available for sale. Vendors can address gardening questions and suggest appropriate plants for your garden. Other interesting vendors, such as artists and environmental organizations, will sell their works and provide information at the free expo.
To register for the symposium, visit or email Ann Brown at [email protected].