With the help of SBYF board members, these ladies worked hard and furiously to get Southern Bend Yoga Festival up and running, and have partnered with local retailers, food and beverage vendors, live music, national talent and native artists. Southern Bend is a family-oriented all day festival that will feature slack lining, meditation, paddle boarding, acroyoga, kids yoga and so much more. If tai chi, sunset paddle boarding, or flow classes are not your thing, then pull up a mat and take a savasana (quiet prone pose) instead!
Southern Bend aims to unite the community in joyful celebration. Igniting passions for positive change, mindful living and a belief that great things are possible when people knit together, on and off the mat, is the idea for this event. Perhaps a bend in perspective can accumulate and build into a movement large enough to change the world we live in or change the life of one precious child.
At the festival these gals hope to introduce many of us to yoga who have been curious about it and all it has to offer. The proceeds from the festival will support the Children’s Organ Transplant Association, which is dear to founder Heather’s heart since her son, Benjamin, is on the liver transplant list. To help, donate, or participate will be an acknowledgement of the web of life that connects each single spirit to a great community cause. So “Be the Bend!” Go www.southernbendfestival.com or contact Aloyse Brown at [email protected] for more information.